Math Research

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Math Research is a formal three year program at my high school. They accept 10 students from a class of approximately 400; the goal is to teach students how to conduct research and learn to write a research paper. Students complete three large research projects. The largest project acts as a full-time summer internship with a professor, mentor, or formal research program. 

Bosons Stars: Do They Exist?

  • Hypothesis: Some of the currently cataloged neutron stars may be boson stars
  • Neutron stars are relatively common, high density stars
  • Boson stars are purely theoretical stars that would have similar physical properties to neutron stars
  • Utilizing the stars gravitational waves, compiling graphs representing the maximum radius and mass on its central density, using the TOV differential equations and the Equation of State for the star
  • Created an artificial intelligence bot that takes a curve and finds the EoS, for the neutron star and potentially isolate the theoretical boson star
  • Identifying boson stars will a long way towards completing the theory of general relativity

Machine Learning & Deep Neural Networks: Predicting Stock Prices

  • Created an Algorithmic Trading artificial intelligence program using 18 datasets from six different companies
  • Average of 15.8% gains across half-hour run long historical datasets, with an upper limit of 120%, the portfolio never dropped below its original value
  • In real world testing, the technology could not execute trades quickly enough to replicate the results. I am looking forward to testing this again, as computing speeds continue to increase