About me

I have a passion for learning, particularly physics, mathematics, and robotics.

My commitment to the environment started with my years of sailing and expanded through my education and personal experience.

When I was young, I would go to the beach and collect these small brightly spotted black “things” instead of shells. When I got older I learned that these were hard clay skeet. In the winter, local clubs shoot skeet from their docks. When I asked one of the nearby clubs about this, I was told that the skeet are biodegradable. That may be the case but the beach is littered with them. I regularly go to the beach with my dog and while we are there, I try to pick up as many pieces of skeet as possible. Over the years there have been so many things impacting out waterfront.

I have been sailing since I was five. These dinghies start as small as eight feet and sit low to the are low to the water. Please see pictures on my sailing page. There is a large mix of sailboats and powerboats where I sail. Over the years a lot has changed. It is common that powerboats have two engines. The gas and diesel motors are obviously not good for the environment, at the same time, the electric motors I sometimes see on small boats clearly do not have the power or battery length to support a large powerboat. The electric boat engine technology is in its infancy but hopefully as this technology improves more powerboat companies will adopt electric or solar powered engines. This will help preserve our wildlife and marine ecosystem.